  • Secure settings. You can now store all of your settings and rules in your macOS keychain. This can be enabled from Settings > General > User Interface > Use secure settings. This setting will remain enabled even after importing a backup or restoring defaults. Its state will not be synced to other computers when using JSB Sync. To prevent unauthorized changes to this setting, enable the locker.
  • Encrypted backups. When secure settings is enabled, backups must be encrypted before they can be exported. Don't forget your password, it cannot be recovered! When you import an encrypted backup, secure settings will be automatically enabled.
  • Performance improvements. Hopefully this fixes some CPU spiking issues.
  • UI updates to improve visibility and usage with screen readers (very minor update here).
  • Resolves an issue where certain filter list rules could cause all resources to be blocked.

SHA1 Hashes
  • Via website: JSB5.safariextz: 2f51f7395ea9d4dff6bd96825007d0c88fcc7ef8