Release Notes


Fix: Resolves an issue where JSB may suddenly stop working after a whitelist/blacklist update.


New: A setting has been added that allows users to hide whitelisted and blacklisted items from the main window.


Fix: Hopefully fixes a critical error where "host" may be undefined.


Fix: Resolves an issue where all rules created using the XHR prompt were blocking rules.


Fix: Emulate true and false values for user script setting storage.
Fix: Resolves an issue where some user script rules were not created correctly.

4.1.10 - Silent Update

Fix: GM_getValue will now return undefined instead of null. This fixes scripts that expected this result, such as GoogleMonkeyR.


Changed: Quick add rules will once again save upon closing the popover.


Fix: A few bugs.


New: The number of hidden items in a section is now displayed next to the host name.
Changed: User script update requests now send an Accept header containing "text/x-userscript-meta".
Changed: Improved domain descriptions when the same host had multiple descriptions.
Changed: Closing the popover will no longer apply rule changes.
Changed: Added buttons to the poppy that appears when adding a rule with quick add enabled (the default).

4.1.6 - Silent Update

Fix: Resolves an issue with document-start not being respected in user scripts.