Release Notes


This will most likely be the last update to JSB. A lot of you won't even be able to update to this version, but you should see this message. Apple is no longer allowing this type of extension to exist in Safari. If you'd like to let Apple know just how much you need extensions like JSB, you can leave feedback here:

It's sad to say goodbye. I appreciate everyone who has ever used JSB and am incredibly grateful for all the support I received.

  • Disabled new user registration for JSB Sync. Existing users can continue to log in normally.


  • Added the ability to create "Always" rules while in private browsing windows. Turn this on from Settings > Rules > Rule Defaults.
  • When you disable JSB on a "Top" page, it will now also be disabled on frames within that page. You'll then be able to enable JSB on the frames individually. This this off from Settings > Rules > Rule Defaults.
  • Disable anti-social filter list when enabling ultimate or annoyances.
  • Reduce CPU load under certain conditions.
  • Frames that were automatically blocked from loading can now be allowed. The UI had always allowed creation of the "Allow page to load" rule, but JSB never obeyed those rules. It does now.
  • Resolve some issues with "srcdoc" frames


  • Secure settings. You can now store all of your settings and rules in your macOS keychain. This can be enabled from Settings > General > User Interface > Use secure settings. This setting will remain enabled even after importing a backup or restoring defaults. Its state will not be synced to other computers when using JSB Sync. To prevent unauthorized changes to this setting, enable the locker.
  • Encrypted backups. When secure settings is enabled, backups must be encrypted before they can be exported. Don't forget your password, it cannot be recovered! When you import an encrypted backup, secure settings will be automatically enabled.
  • Performance improvements. Hopefully this fixes some CPU spiking issues.
  • UI updates to improve visibility and usage with screen readers (very minor update here).
  • Resolves an issue where certain filter list rules could cause all resources to be blocked.


  • Some performance improvements.
  • Backups will now be downloaded as "JSB-Backup.json" instead of "Unknown" on Safari 10.1+
  • Improve false-positive canvas fingerprinting warnings.
  • Improve reliability of window.history management. This fixes the issue with the November 2017 YouTube update where the URL would not change when navigating.
  • Resolves an issue where some settings could fail to save under certain circumstances.
  • UI fixes for macOS High Sierra.


  • Persistent rule actions cache now defaults to disabled. This will reduce the number of disk writes JSB causes.
  • A message saying your sync session has expired will no longer prematurely show.

Since 5.2.0

  • JSB Sync (beta). Securely sync your settings and rules with other computers. Open Settings > Sync (beta) to learn more.
  • Updated certificate.
  • Resolves an issue where settings view may not have loaded.
  • Resolves an issue where buttons were not clickable in poppies if animations were disabled.
  • Prevent infinite page reloads if JSB did not load correctly.
  • Improved reliability of importing backups.


  • JSB Sync (beta). Securely sync your settings and rules with other computers. Open Settings > Sync (beta) to learn more.
  • Updated certificate.
  • Resolves an issue where settings view may not have loaded.
  • Resolves an issue where buttons were not clickable in poppies if animations were disabled.
  • Prevent infinite page reloads if JSB did not load correctly.
  • Improved reliability of importing backups.


Update 5.2.0 is almost ready and includes the ability to synchronize settings and rules across multiple computers. If you would like to try it out early, let me know by clicking Menu > Submit Feedback in JSB.

  • Reduced file size of extension.
  • Exporting a backup is now much faster.
  • "Kind" headers in page view now respect the setting "Create rules without switching to page editor".
  • The setting to temporarily switch to resource-URL-view is back and has been moved to the "Page" menu.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Allow compatible "other" features to execute on pages that have a security policy to prevent script execution.
  • Switch to HTTPS for all communication. Please make sure your firewall/router allows connections to in order to verify donations.
  • No longer require Safari restart when changing the persistent cache setting.
  • Environmental information randomizer now works in newer versions of Safari.
  • Exported backups could be corrupted and not import correctly.
  • Poppy position may be incorrect before being moved to its correct position.
  • Scroll performance in page view is improved.
  • User scripts should now always update correctly.
  • The prompt to add a user script to JSB will now show on all pages that end in .user.js
  • The UI will now show the correct value for custom options, such as a custom font or webpage zoom level.
  • Safari will no longer hang as long when updating filter lists (it's about 3x faster).
  • The pop-up blocker will no longer break certain sites, such as eztv.


  • Added ability to quickly allow/block all resources. This is a simplified UI mode that hides all items by default and shows two new buttons: Allow All and Block All. This can be enabled from Settings > General > Page View.
  • A "Disable" button has been added to each page host header to quickly and temporarily disable JSB on that host.
  • When in a private tab, page view will show darkened headers to indicate all actions on that tab are strictly temporary.
  • UI updates.
  • Clean up settings page by removing some settings.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Properly update page view when dealing with disabled pages.
  • Properly handle long domain names on page view headers.
  • Setting a user script's custom download URL attribute to nothing will no longer cause JSB to ignore the script's default download URL.
  • XHR prompts that originated from a "FormData" data type will now work correctly.
  • Improve false-positive canvas fingerprinting warnings.
  • No longer reload popover when importing a backup which could cause JSB to continue to operate in an unstable state.
  • Show horizontal scrollbar in resource content view.


  • Added support for private browsing mode. All rules created in a private tab are strictly temporary and the cache is not used.
  • A new setting has been added to allow the rule cache to be in-memory only.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Resolved retina display issues with some UI elements.
  • Reduce number of false-positive pop-up blocker confirmations.
  • Peter Lowe's ad list will now update.
  • Improved reliability of blocked element placeholders.
  • Resolves issue where importing backup settings would fail because the settings would prematurely lock.


  • Updating to 5.1.3 could cause the popover to show every time Safari was launched. This was caused by an incomplete update.
  • Will now run on Safari Technology Preview release 13.